Are you being harassed by creditors? Suing you on an age-old debt? Calling you non-stop? Overflowing your mailbox with letters? You have protection. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act has certain guidelines that debt collectors must follow. When they don’t follow the rules, you can get compensation. Don’t let them get away with it – let us help you.
What are some common things Debt Collectors do wrong:
- Contacting Third Parties Connected to the Debtor
- Calling you at places you told them not to call.
- Not Identifying Themselves as a Debt Collector
- Not Validating the Debt when you ask for proof of the debt
- Making Threats like going to jail
- Lying about the Amount Owed by adding collection fees or amounts already pad
- Ignoring Requests to Stop Contacting you
Stop the harassment so that you can answer your phone again by calling your Monmouth County Freehold Debt Collection Defense lawyers today.
We not only defend debt collection suits, we file claims on your behalf as well.