What Constitutes a Home Improvement Contractor?

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New Jersey defines a home improvement contractor is anybody who does work on your home. They must inform you of their price range, the timeline of the job and the materials they are going to use. If you didn’t get the information you were entitled to, you should speak to an attorney.

What Assets Can I Protect During Bankruptcy?

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Some of the assets that you can protect during bankruptcy include your car, your house, your furniture, among many other things. A dollar value is assigned to just about anything and you may be able to exempt some of your belongings. You can also combine exemptions if you would prefer to use it on one … Continued

What Are the Benefits of Filing for Bankruptcy?

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Though many people do not realize it, there could be benefits to filing for bankruptcy when it becomes your only option. Filing for bankruptcy can allow you to get a fresh start on your finances. Even though bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 10 years, you will be able to repair your credit and … Continued

What Are Some of the Violations Repair Shops Make?

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There are many violations that a repair shop can make when they are supposed to be fixing your car. You should always be given the old parts to your car and the warranty that is attached to the new parts that are put into your car. It is important to know what you are paying … Continued

What Are Debt Settlement Companies?

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Debt settlement companies will ask for a fee up front to settle your debts for you but they don’t actually do it. They violate the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act by taking advantage of people who they know will go to great lengths to settle their debts. An attorney can help you recover the money … Continued

Re-Establishing Credit After Bankruptcy

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Bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 10 years but your credit does recover. You will be able to get a credit card after your bankruptcy ends. Charge small payments monthly on your credit card and pay the minimum every month in order to start building up credit again.

My Bank Account Has Been Frozen by Creditors – What Should I do?

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Having a levied bank account means that no money can leave your bank account. Social Security and Public Benefit money cannot be frozen but anything else can be. You should seek legal counsel to determine if there are any defenses you can bring to acquire an exemption to protect your money.

I Have Been Ripped Off by a Home Improvement Contractor

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Home improvement contractors are required to inform you of everything from the materials they will use to the timeline for the project and any changes that were made throughout the contract. If they break any of these rules, they cannot collect any money from you. The New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act forces them to cooperate … Continued