In order for a school to receive payment of school tuition and fees, a student must be eligible to benefit from the education offered by the school in which they seek to attend. That means that the school has a responsibility to tell the student loan lender that the student will be able to go to school, paid for by the student loan, and actually qualify for a job in which the student is trained. For example, a student decides to attend a school for job training whose prerequisite is for the student to hold a high school diploma. Upon acceptance, the student realizes that he or she requires a student loan to fund the education. When the school receives the loan information, it certifies that the student has met the requirements to attend the school. However, if the student does not actually have the diploma and the school provides a false certification of benefit to the lender, those loans could be forgiven due to the false certification of benefit. If you have student loan issues and are not able to benefit from the education you paid for, and are still paying for, you should contact us.
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