After a slip and fall accident, you may be concerned about your medical bills and your lost wages. Unfortunately, insurance companies for the property that you fell at normally do not cover those types of claims. There may be a limited policy that is available for limited medical bills and if that were to occur we would certainly investigate that and try to get your claims paid. Unfortunately, lost wages is not something that’s covered by that. However, we would investigate filing any claims for state disability or other disability insurance so that you can continue to have some income to live on. Your medical bills and your lost wages would become part of your lawsuit against the property owner. However, they would not be paid until the entire claim is resolved.
When you are injured in a slip and fall accident, you will have to bring your claim against the property owner if you can prove that their property was not managed safely. When you are injured in a slip and fall accident, it is important to take pictures of the conditions that caused you to slip and therefore, resulted in your injuries. It is important to know that if the owner of the property that you were injured on is a government entity, you will have to file a notice of claim informing that party of your intents to bring a case against them.
If you are in need of experienced legal counsel in New Jersey, please contact Tomes Law Firm, PC and we will be happy to assist you.