Navigating IRS Collection Notices on Back Taxes

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With new funding and new hires, the IRS Collection Division has been in full swing this year. After receiving your first collection notice, the IRS has certain deadlines it has to follow with respect to these notices. Worse, if you received notices before the pandemic, those notices still apply 4 years later allowing the IRS … Continued

Stand up to the IRS – Tax Court

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Just like Taxpayers make mistakes, the IRS makes them too. Sometimes trying to convince the IRS you don’t owe what they say you do is challenging but relief can be found with the U.S. State Tax Court. The United States Tax Court is the court we go to when we dispute what the IRS says … Continued

Don’t Ignore That IRS CP 14 Notice

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Receiving a notice from the IRS can be stressful, but it’s important not to ignore it. In June, millions of taxpayers will receive CP14 notices by mail, informing them of their balance due for unpaid taxes. Several times the notices are wrong, and even if they are right, they impose time deadlines to protect yourself … Continued