When an individual is struggling to stay afloat financially, they may be feeling overwhelmed about the future. If the individual is being contacted by various creditors, are having wages garnished, or is in jeopardy of losing their house to a foreclosure, they should consider filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a wonderful tool that can allow a person in debt to take control over their future and find financial success down the road.
If you are considering bankruptcy, it is important to consult with an experienced bankruptcy attorney who can guide you in the direction that best suits your needs. For a bankruptcy consultation at Tomes Law Firm, PC, please bring as much of the following information to an initial consultation:
- Proof of income for the previous 7 months. This should include all sources of income, including pensions, child support, alimony, commission, bonuses, etc.
- Property owners should bring an appraisal of the property and a property tax statement
- All financial information regarding a motor vehicle
- All retirement plan statements
- Copies of bills for all monthly expenses
- Any evidence of debts
- Collection letters
- Credit reports
- Documentation from debt settlement programs
- A detailed account of how money is spent throughout the month on living expenses
To view the complete list of what should be brought to your initial consultation, click here.
If you wish to schedule a bankruptcy consultation, contact our firm today.
If you are in need of experienced legal counsel for matters of personal injury, medical malpractice, medical device injuries, unsafe drug injuries, consumer protection, bankruptcy, SSD, or criminal law in New Jersey, please contact Tomes Law Firm, PC and we will be happy to assist you.