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There are many situations in which a company will promise a warranty but when a consumer goes and tries to act on that warranty due to a faulty product, they are surprised to find that the terms and conditions don’t cover it. What many consumers don’t consider is whether the warranty itself is legal and … Continued
When a consumer purchases a product, they assume that the product will work as expected and they will get exactly what they paid for. However, this is not always the case and sometimes there will be a product defect either in the design or in the manufacturing of the product. In many situations, the issue impacts … Continued
One of the worst causes of lung-related disease that impacts millions of Americans is asbestos. For years, it was used to insulate buildings, in car brakes, and throughout shipyards, and only recently have people begun taking a stand against manufacturers and employers that exposed so many people to asbestos. These fibers can be easily inhaled … Continued