Tips on Starting a Budget

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Budgeting is very important in order to keep track of and manage your finances, so be sure to do what you can to do it well! Here are some tips on how to help yourself effectively budget. Having someone else to budget with can help out immensely to keep yourself responsible. Whether that person is … Continued

Save with the 24 Hour Pause

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Impulse buying can often lead to unnecessary spending and financial regrets. To curb impulsive purchases and save money, try implementing the 24-Hour Rule. Here’s how it works: By implementing the 24-Hour Rule, you give yourself time to evaluate purchases objectively and avoid impulse buying. Over time, this simple practice can save you a significant amount … Continued

Dealing With High Credit Card Balances

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As the cost of living continues to rise, Americans are increasingly relying on credit cards to cover basic expenses like food and gas. This shift in credit card usage has led to growing concerns as the nation’s credit card debt surpassed $1 trillion. It is not only the increased card usage that is a problem, … Continued

Restoring your Credit Score after Bankruptcy

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Bankruptcy often does affect your credit score, but let’s face it if you owe debt, it was probably low to begin with. Filing for bankruptcy does provide relief and a fresh start, but it it important to remember it is just a tool to get you that fresh start. That is why at Tomes Law … Continued

Swarming in credit card bills – Don’t dismiss a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

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Struggling with overwhelming credit card bills can be a challenging and stressful situation. Fortunately, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in New Jersey offers individuals a chance to regain financial control. Let’s talk about how our Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys were able to help Emily find relief with this option. Emily, like many others, faced a … Continued

Start Small: The Power of Daily Savings to Financial Freedom

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In today’s fast-paced world, saving money may seem like a daunting task. However, adopting a simple and effective savings strategy can make a significant difference over time. One key tip to kickstart your savings journey is to start small. Even if you have eliminated your past debt with bankruptcy, stay on track for the future. … Continued

Why Financial Literacy is so Important

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Financial literacy is having an adequate level of knowledge about personal finance (such as saving, budgeting, credit management, investing, taxes, insurance and more) so that you can make informed and effective decisions with your money. Being financially literate means that you have a grasp of the fundamentals of smart spending and saving decisions and that … Continued

3 Things You Can Do to Snag a Lower Mortgage Rate:

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Mortgage rates are sitting near historic lows, which means if you sign up for a home loan today, you might spend less money on interest than you normally would. Here’s how to lock in as low a rate as possible on a home loan. Have a high credit score -Your credit score speaks to how reliable … Continued

How will I know when I need to file bankruptcy?

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You will know it is time to file bankruptcy when you are overwhelmed by debt and unable to reduce your debts at a reasonable pace. You may have lawsuits filed against you, and garnishments against your wages, tax refunds, and even bank accounts. Your assets may be threatened with seizure. You may have a lien … Continued