The Impact of Increased Back Tax Penalties

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The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) has recently announced a significant increase in underpayment penalties, more than doubling the fees from two years ago. This change can have profound implications for taxpayers, potentially leading to substantial fees being added to their bills. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind the IRS’s decision, the impact … Continued

Setting Clear Financial Goals for Financial Freedom

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As the year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on your financial goals and the steps you’ve taken towards achieving them. Year- End can serve as a reminder to prioritize your financial well-being. . By setting clear goals, it provides you with a sense of purpose and direction. It helps you … Continued

Getting Rid of Overwhelming Medical Debt with Bankruptcy

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An estimated 23% of Americans have medical debt they cant pay and an estimated 41% are trying to pay off medical debt. Medical debt is the leading cause of individual bankruptcy filings and the stigma behind filing bankruptcy no longer exists as more and more Americans turn to bankruptcy protection to get a fresh start. … Continued

Navigating IRS Collection Notices on Back Taxes

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With new funding and new hires, the IRS Collection Division has been in full swing this year. After receiving your first collection notice, the IRS has certain deadlines it has to follow with respect to these notices. Worse, if you received notices before the pandemic, those notices still apply 4 years later allowing the IRS … Continued

Deal with Back Payroll Taxes, Before the IRS does

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With the pandemic, many business owners struggled to keep aloat, including paying payroll taxes to the IRS, hoping the day would come when they could catch up but they never could. Not dealing with payroll taxes can result in jail time, fines and penalties and the loss of your business. The IRS has stated this … Continued

Money Savings Tips: Embrace the Power of Automatic Transfers

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Are you looking to boost your savings and achieve your financial goals? One simple and effective way to save money is by setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to a designated savings account. Here’s our Monday Savings Tip: Schedule a recurring transfer to automatically move a portion of your income into your savings … Continued