Don’t give up after a Social Security Disability Denial.

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If your initial claim for benefits was denied, you have only 60 days from you denial to appeal. You may not want to hire a lawyer to appeal. But instead of going it alone, get some help. My booklet, Helpful Suggestions for Appealing a Denial of Benefits offers more than 20 practical tips to help … Continued

How can I claim social security disability?

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When people are faced with an accident or sudden illness, it can greatly impact their lives. They may not be able to continue performing their usual job due to the effects of their accident or illness. If you cannot work and your source of income is lost, this can lead to even more changes in … Continued

Proving a Disability to Social Security

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Over the course of an individual’s working life, they contribute part of every paycheck towards the Social Security Administration. The purpose of this contribution is to make sure that they can receive government assistance through Social Security Disability Insurance in the event that they become disabled and can no longer continue working as they once … Continued