What do I do after a car accident?

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Car accidents can happen on the road every day. Drivers are supposed to adhere to the traffic laws that are in place to keep people on the road safe. This can help them drive safely and provide a better environment on the road for those that are traveling on it. Due to the amount of … Continued

How can inadequate security affect a premises liability accident?

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Premises liability cases can involve a lack of security measures that contribute to an accident where an individual suffered. A premises has the responsibility of having certain security measures in place to protect those that are entering onto the area. A standard of care must be taken to ensure the safety of those entering onto … Continued

Can medical malpractice involve a hip replacement?

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During times of physical struggles, people seek the help of doctors. Whether it is an injury that occurred over time or during an accident, doctors have shown that they can tend to us and provide us with care. They are intelligent professionals that have knowledge about the human body. They use this knowledge every day … Continued

Do train accidents result in damages being paid?

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Trains are a form of transportation that is useful for the public. These systems can be faster than traveling in a car. They may also be cheaper than owning and maintaining a car. Due to this, commuters may opt to use a train as a form of transportation rather than a motor vehicle. This can … Continued

What can cause a premises liability case?

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Premises liability cases can hold someone accountable for an injury that occurred on their property. Property owners have a responsibility to maintain a safe premises. When they fail to keep their property safe, someone can be injured on it. The injured party may be able to prove that the property owner was negligent, making them … Continued

Can I file a medical malpractice lawsuit for a birth injury?

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Unfortunately, birth injuries can be a part of the childbirth process. Sometimes these injuries cannot be avoided due to complications during childbirth. A doctor may provide all they care they can to a patient, including the baby and the mother. However, these birth injuries can also be a direct result of a doctor’s negligence. When a doctor … Continued

What type of guns can I own?

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Although citizens of the United States have the right to possess a gun with the proper permits, there are some restrictions on what they can own. In New Jersey state, individuals are allowed to own a long gun. When someone wants to purchase a long gun, including a rifle or shotgun, they should gain possession … Continued

What can contribute to a pedestrian accident?

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When pedestrians walk along sidewalks or cross the road, they must remain aware of their surroundings. Accidents can occur at any time. Even though they may be following the proper signs by walking in crosswalks, they can still be put in danger. Drivers of motor vehicles may be distracted and contribute to an accident. Pedestrians … Continued

Can I receive compensation after a truck accident?

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Accidents can occur on a daily basis. When motor vehicle accidents occur with trucks, they may cause more damage due to the bigger mass of the vehicle. If an individual is involved in a truck accident, they may be able to receive compensation from the accident. If motor vehicle drivers are victims of an accident … Continued

How do I proceed with a pedestrian accident case?

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Accidents can happen every day whether you are driving on the road or walking along it. Drivers become distracted and hit one another. Sometimes they may even get distracted and miss the sight of a pedestrian crossing the road. This can lead to terrible accidents that result in serious injuries. Pedestrians can be injured seriously … Continued